After a decade serving Australian Ex-Pats in America, The Australian Community has evolved.

As the largest U.S. non-profit by Australian membership, our goal is to better understand the needs of Australian Ex-Pats living in America.

We would ask that you spend a few minutes to complete the survey below. Your invaluable feedback will assist our organization in developing new initiatives as well as improving our existing member services.

The Australian Community does not store any of your personal information on this website. You can check our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for how your information is stored and used.

Your Privacy has always been our Priority, and the same applies to our 2021 Survey of The Australian Community.

Please complete the information below. All fields are optional.

About The Australian Community

The Australian Community is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. Its mission is to connect Australians living in the United States through professional, social, and charitable initiatives.