Decoding US Health Insurance: Chapter 5

Decoding US Health InsuranceSeveral times in this book, we have suggested that priority should be given to overcoming challenges that effect your, Health, Liberty and Finances. This chapter addresses the first: Health Insurance.Whether you are accessing Health Insurance through your employer, or through your State’s Health Care Exchange (Obamacare), understanding which plan is right for your needs is dependent on your understanding of a very different Health Care system.To enlighten the reader, and demystify some of the nomenclatures, the following are important terms and concepts that will make navigating the U.S. healthcare system less complicated.Click here to access the New York State of Health website where you can see if you qualify for Government-sponsored Health Insurance.If you are working, then your employer will offer you health insurance. Depending on the size of your company, your choices in health coverage may be limited. You may also have to wait up to…