The Australian Community has always recognized the unique challenges faced by Australian living and working in New York, so it has recorded a Podcast series where our members discuss their personal experiences.

Below are excerpts from our conversation with Nathan.

Nathan, where were you born and raised in Australia?

I was born Perth. I grew up in Nedlands which is in the Western Suburbs near Cottesloe Beach. After Uni and Law School I moved to Melbourne where I lived for six years, before moving to New York City.

What did you do in Australia before moving to NYC?

I started off in consulting at KPMG, and pivoted only after a year to the Coles Group when it was Australia’s largest retail conglomerate.

What was the thought process behind leaving the comfort of Melbourne and moving to the unknown of New York?

After two previous trips to the U.S. and New York, I decided that I would love to live there at some point, I was just waiting for the right time to move. I entered the Green Card Diversity lottery, and won, so after my paperwork was approved, I moved to New York in August 2012.

More in the Podcast:

Nathan speaks to his experience in finding work in New York, strategies in advancing his career, and the role The Australian Community has played in his transition to the United States.

Nathan shares his involvement in the LGBT community in New York, both at work and in his personal life.

Nathan also offers valuable advice for any Australian considering moving to New York.

You can listen to the full Podcast by clicking the link below.

It is important for Australians in New York to learn how to network effectively…

Click here to listen other Australians in our Podcast series

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About The Australian Community

Founded in 2011, we connect more Australians in America.

If you are a professional Australian taking your career to the next level, or the U.S. is the next step in your company’s global expansion, we can connect you to all of the resources you need for success in America.

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