Wrap up of #OzDayNYC 2018 – aka “The Joeys”

It was a sold out, star-studded, Black Tie event at Pier A that recognized the contributions of Australian performing artists Amanda Bishop, Marika Aubrey, Ben McHugh, Kaye Tuckerman, Nick Hardcastle and Jeremy Youett. Our Honorees were Stella Pulo and Sullivan Stapleton.
It was also great to see fellow Blindspot actor Luke Mitchell and his wife Rebecca Breeds stop by with Sully. World renowned Australian Classical Guitarist Rupert Boyd added a special touch to the evening with a live performance.
The guest list read like a who’s who of Australian performing artists!
The Joey is awarded to an Australian who has shown excellence in the performing arts, as well as supported The Australian Community through events such as our annual Flag Raising Ceremony at Bowling Green where we commemorate the Ten Australians who perished at Ground Zero on 9/11.
The September Flag Raising Ceremony is only made possible through Australian performing artists, and the behind the scene planning and execution by Australian producers.
The 12′ x 8′ flag used on the red carpet at #OzDayNYC is the same Australian flag that is raised each September at Bowling Green.
It was great that our Honorees took the time to share some personal details about their careers, and offer some advice to Australians in the performing arts.
The format of #OzDayNYC was well received by all attendees. As there are no reserved tables, attendees were able to mix and socialize for the entire evening – which is always the main attraction of an Australian Black Tie event!
The format also allowed the recipients of the Joeys to invite all of their Industry family and friends to attend.
The Australian Community would like to acknowledge the Management and Staff of Pier A, as well as our Sponsors Kofkin Bond & Co and OFX.
Kofkin Bond & Co are a new Corporate member offering cross border Financial Advisory services between Australia and the U.S., and OFX who continue to provide a preferred foreign exchange rate to our members which we are not publicly allowed to publish as it is significantly lower than their standard rate!
The Australian Community is currently finalizing the details of #OzDayNYC 2019. Members of our Private Social Network can participate in the planning by joining the #OzDayNYC group.
Before you send money Overseas!
Use this Currency Converter to gauge how much money you could save over your existing FOREX service by accessing The Australian Community’s Preferred OFX Rate.
Currencies can fluctuate by the minute. This Converter is indicative of the Preferred OFX Rate at this time.
However, once you register and access our Preferred OFX Rate, you will see the current converted rate, and the converted amount before making your transfer.
About The Australian Community
Founded in 2011, we connect more Australians in America.
If you are a professional Australian taking your career to the next level, or the U.S. is the next step in your company’s global expansion, we can connect you to all of the resources you need for success in America.
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